
Since 2019, the FEDeRATED project is developing various products. In sum, these products  constitute the operational framework to execute the federated network of platformsvapproach. These products are (you can click the links):

  1. Vision, (2019)
  2. Interim Masterplan (2020)
  3. LivingLabs Scoping (2020 onwards)
  4. The Soul of the Machine (2023)
  5. Elements of Building  (2023)
  6. LivingLabs Assessment Framework (2023)
  7. Migration strategy towards federated data sharing (2023)
  8. Final Testing Pilots/Living Labs report (2024)
  9. The (validated) Masterplan (2024)  federative network of platforms concept

Specific documentation:

  1. Semantic interoperability, (since 2020) , including
    1. Ontology Engineering
    2. Semantic Model 
    3. FEDeRATED Semantic Model - Development Portal
  2. Technical Interoperability (since 2019)
  3. Reference Architecture (2024), covering the details of the FEDeRATED Masterplan, incl Operational Framework
  4. FEDeRATED Node Prototype development, (since 2020)  including
    1. Node prototype and installation, incl codes .
      The latest version of the node prototype and updated documentation can be found at:
      Updated Docker installation instructions are available at: 
      To further assist you please can on a briefing on the configuration and integration of a node
    2. Service Registry (semantic treehouse) see also presentation
    3. Common LivingLab 
    4. Multimodal Visibility Infrastructure - Hackaton 25-26 October 2024
  5. Multimodal Visibility Service (2024) - discussion paper)

Organisational and legal interoperability are covered in the various documents, including An informal sketch assisting the development of a possible  EU Communication and proposal for a Regulation on enhancing supply chain visibility - NON PAPER not committing the FEDeRATED partners)

  • Hits: 5833

In international trade, roughly 80% of all goods are transported by sea. In Europe, maritime transport plays a vital role for the economy of the Continent, transporting about 75% of EU’s external trade. Moreover, with aworkforce of more than 3 million people over alarge network of about than 330 core and comprehensive seaports, the European maritime sector plays a vital role in ensuring smooth and efficient supply chain,connecting the mainland to Europe’s peripheral regions and islands. More importantly, about60% of all freight moved in Europe is related to short sea shipping, clearly
demonstrating its importance. The Motorways of the Sea (MoS) programme is a key instrument in this setting

The concept of “Motorways of the Sea”, as introduced by the White Paper “European transport policy for 2010: time to decide” (2001), foresees a set of high-quality transport services based on short sea shipping based upon infrastructures, facilities and services spanning at least two Member States.

The Motorways of the Sea represent the waterborne dimension of the TEN-T network: the programme,funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding scheme,prioritises the full integration of maritime transport operations in the logistic chain. 

In a nutshell, its aim is tosupport maritime industry stakeholders (ports, ship and logistics operators, maritime suppliers and service providers, and public administrations) in implementing projects looking at improving connectivity between core and comprehensive ports of the TEN-T network and land-based core network corridors, optimising cargo flows, and improving the environmental performance of the sector. In doing so, it also helps concentrate freight flows on sea-based routes, thus reducing road congestion, as well as increasing connectivity among Member States.

The Motorways of the Sea concept rests upon fourpillars:

  • Sustainabilitywhich envisions research, innovation and investments on alternative fuels, and non-fossil fuels, onshore power supply, innovation in propulsion systems for a more sustainableand greener maritime sector.
  • Interoperabilityin which digitalization plays a central role for the transport system. Asmarter maritime sector requires digitalized solutions to optimize freight flows. Therefore, digitalized systems can help to make transport flows more efficient to ensure efficient logistic chains.
  • Connectivitythat can be achieved by pushing on a seamlesconnection that include better rail connectivity to ports, where more industrial and energy production will take place in the future. A growing attention has been given in facilitation of the intermodal shift between ships and railway wagons, focusing on better hinterland and last mile connections. This would at last help contribute to improve the competitiveness of maritime transport, while reducing the number of trailers and semi-trailers on the roads.
  • Resiliencealongside with climate change mitigation, plays a central role in developing stronger short sea connections between European Member States and the rest of the transport network. More connections will offer more alternatives if parts of Europe would be affected by future crises. 

In the end, the Motorways of the Seashall contribute towards the achievement of aEuropean Maritime Transport Space without barriers, connecting Core Network Corridors byintegrating the maritime leg andfacilitate maritime freight transport with neighbouringcountries. In this context, they shall also promote sustainable shipping concepts whichcontribute to reducing negative impactson the environment, with the tangible reduction of traffic congestionAccording to the overall vision, the Motorways of the Sea willeventuallycontribute to the creation of asustainable, smart, seamless, and resilient maritime sector

As a beneficiary of the CEF  FEDeRATED project,Terminal San Giorgio (TSG) further develops the concept of Motorways of the Sea through automated gate access and enhanced interoperability among different logistics actors. Through its FEDeRATED LivingLab #18, smarTSGate Living Lab, TSG will implement a set of measures aiming to push the full digitalization of some processes that still require human activity (such as gate access procedures, booking of pick-ups for disembarked freight, etc.) and to achieve a global and accessible supply chain visibilityenabling the realization of a digital port ecosystem.

Furthermore, together with Grimaldi Linesleader of the Hermes Living Lab #10Terminal San Giorgio will demonstrate in a concrete use case the potential of data sharing within a federated network of ICT platforms. Indeedin addition to acknowledging several FEDeRATED Leading Principles (each at own side), the two LLs will also build a common technology infrastructure implementing some of themain FEDeRATED IT Architecture Componentsthus representing a full-featured common Living Lab.

Although the implemented services are in principle applicable to any freight type flowing through the terminal (indeed, TSG is a multipurpose terminal also dealing with containerized cargo, break bulk, etc.), the common Living Lab is particularly relevant for MoS, as it is mainly focused on trailerstransferredvia short-sea connections with Sicily. The domesticdimension of the LL is compensatedby the fact that it virtually extends the Rhine-Alpine Corridor towards the Mediterranean Sea (and potentially to other Member States).

Beside the two main beneficiaries abovethe JointLL featuresthe participation of Luigi Cozza Trasportia primary Italian truck carrier that will be engaged as an external stakeholder.The services implemented within the Joint LL will be directly consumed by the actorsherein involvedand at the same time they willbe madeavailable to other potentially interested parties, following the principles of openness, trust and data sovereigntythat are peculiar of FEDeRATEDthus paving the way to the engagement of new actors in the federation (even beyond the boundaries and the time frame of the project). This will demonstrate in concrete terms how theFEDeRATED approach maybe beneficial to the MoS conceptand more specifically to its Interoperbailitypillar.

The common Living Lab is being developed through the following three stages:

  1. In Phase1 (2019-2021)the Llaid down the minimum set of technologies to implement the basicservices, featuring custom interoperability (and human interface for some flows); this enabled the operational assessment of new functionalities within existing technological setup.
  2. In Phase 2 (2021-2022)the LL extendebasic services taking into account FEDeRATED leading principles and technologies, thus moving to a full-M2M scenario.
  3. In Phase 3 (2023 and beyond), the LL will further evolve by bringing in semantic interoperability and other features developed within FEDeRATED, thus enabling the engagement of new actors and platforms currently not in the scope of the project (e.g. more truck carriers, more terminals, PCSs Port Community Systems, etc.).
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FEDeRATED in short

The FEDeRATED crew participating in the Mid Term Event on 24 November 2021:

Picture Group Mid TermWhat we do:

  • Support interoperability in supply and logistics chains.
  • Demonstrate how the federative platform as proposed by the EU Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) can work.
  • Initiate the implementation of the federated network of platforms concept..
  • Identify the conditions (barriers and opportunities/benefits) that allow different stakeholders to make use of federated data sharing platforms.
  • Facilitate seamless and cross bordering multimodal freight transport, cross bordering harmonised data interoperability, and data sharing between relevant actors.
  • Enable paperless transport in all transport modes via concrete actions and large-scale collaboration.
  • Support eGovernment, including a one-stop shop and only once reporting functionalities, and a corridor management information system approach.
  • Foster a future proof approach allowing current data distribution mechanisms to evolve into a data sharing environment, i.e. multiple (re-)use of data.
  • Develop a reference architecture for a sustainable data sharing environment.
  • Foster seamless cargo flows along TEN-T corridors.

The 15 FEDeRATED partners execute 22 Living labs, including over 100 patrtis (companies and pubic administrations) . More information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Hereunder a representation of the major issues discussed during the FEDeRATED Mid Term Event, held on 24 November 2021. Vision: from a monolithic data sharing platform perspectives towards a federated network of platforms. Enabling all supply chain operators to connect operating their own IT systems or platforms - pull data.  

  • Mid Term Event Infographics

(c) Sandra Haraldson


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Welcome to FEDeRATED : EU project for decentralized data collaboration in logistics

From 2019-2024, FEDeRATED developed the foundations for a secure, open and neutral data sharing infrastructure provision: Masterplan and a prototype  

Major output


Networks want to reach out. Seamless data interoperability is key. Information infrastructures regularly fail to cooperate. Together we develop the bridge over troubled water.

Learn more why

Who. The partners

15 partners. Both from the public sector and business. Trying to get IT done together.

Learn more who

HowThe Activities

1. Develop a common vision. 2. Design a reference architecture (Masterplan). 3. Validate the Masterplan in testing beds. 4. Engage and collaborate with stakeholders.

Learn more how

What. In 2024 we delivered

A validated Masterplan for an EU federated network of platforms concept and a prototype of a data sharing environment for business and public sector use.

Learn more what

EU breeding ground

In 2018, the EC was advised by the DTLF to develop a federative network of platforms - 4 design principles

DTLF Website

Services based on a federated network of platforms

Smart mobility in transport and seamless interconnectivity in logistics.


Read more: Home

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This project is co-funded by the European Commission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)