
FEDeRATED's human touch

FEDeRATED mobilises 15 partners that connect with over 150 stakeholders organisations - logistic operators, public authories, IT business, researchers, industry associations, etc - to enhance EU's operational brainpower for federative data sharing in logistics. The 23 Living Labs play a major role in commiting people; -  the human touch is essential. FEDeRATED is about a movement

Who are the FEDeRATED LivingLab (LL)  leaders that put so much effort in engaging people, trying to achieve FEDeRATED data sharing practices? What drives them, what are they trying to achieve and how do they make stakeholders join? Minne Buwalda asked these questions to the LL leaders  and Wout Hofman (FEDeRATED CIO). 

More interviews to follow



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This project is co-funded by the European Commission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)